Monday, June 14, 2010


After 26 years, justice has finally been served to those responsible for the Bhopal Tragedy. Well kind of. Let’s take a look at the stats. Around 40 tons of methyl isocyanate, a not so great toxin, was spilled into a slum in Bhopal India. So over 15,000 were killed and 600,000 affected by the chemical leak. Union Carbine, now Dow Chemical is the company responsible for the spill and has yet to take responsibility. The victims received almost $800 each for their medical bills, what else could be done? So last Monday justice was served. 8 Indian men who worked for Union Carbine were sentenced to 2 years in jail. That about sums it up right there.

Is this what justice looks like, thousands killed, hundreds of thousands affected, a deteriorating plant that still has toxins looming around and a couple midlevel employees getting two years in jail and a massive corporation paying pittances for a massive f-up. Union Carbine/ Dow moved their plant to India just so they could work under fewer restrictions and when something went wrong they crawled back to the US denied any responsibility for it and went on with their lives. Ah this is not just. When will we have justice for those whose lives have been taken or ruined in the name of greed?

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