Friday, May 28, 2010

Was it Not Enough of a Sign Before?

If global warming, a polluted environment, dropping billions into countries that have poor human rights records and continually rising prices were not a good enough reason for the US to at least seriously try to alleviate its oil dependence, we now a monster oil spill on our hands that’s getting worse.

I must admit, I feel quite displaced from American politics and the day to day news of the world but damn, I can’t get online without seeing an article explaining how worse things are getting off the coast of Louisiana. “Drill baby drill” NO please, we can’t keep putting off the earth and oh we will take care of it later or oh it will fix itself. I think we have been created to be good stewards of the earth but we are just destroying it at an alarming rate and while our only concern is money. Newsflash Obama maybe you shouldn’t let the oil industry regulate itself and maybe you shouldn’t let them estimate the damage their causing. I think everywhere else that would be considered a conflict of interest. I have a novel idea, how about we actually let corporations take responsibility for their actions.

I’m sure the oil spill will give some great pictures the oil destroying the entire costal environment of Louisiana. Will this be the final straw for America to say hmm maybe we can’t keep living the way we are? Maybe we should legitimately invest in renewable energy.

America, a plea from a country receiving the full brunt of global warming, please stop the suicide machine.

I realize that post is a borderline melt but sometimes you just got to let it out and say why? Change please!

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