I stand by my previous post stating that AIDS education is not lacking in this country but convoluted. I believe the problem is over information and the message presented has been jumbled from many angles giving students mixed information. I also think that we unify our voices and present a clear and similar message. So in efforts to clear things up, I taught AIDS the other day.
Question one from me out of the gate; is there a cure for AIDS? All students said no. I thought we were off to a good start until I asked them if they knew what a cure was. We just went downhill from there. They had all of the right answers from causes to affects but didn’t know what any of it meant. Without knowing the meaning of the answers, they are useless. For example, the ABC’s: abstinence, be faithful and use condoms. There is nothing wrong with the ABC’s if you actually know what the terms mean but I found that many of my students did not. The term abstinence was completely misconstrued from people saying that abstinence was when someone has the inability to not have sex to just meaning that you shouldn’t have play sex??? Which begs the question, what other types of sex are there if there is such thing as play sex. AIDS education isn’t a quiz. These kids have all the right answers and all the wrong meaning when it is the meaning that counts. I don’t care if my kids know all the right answers. I just hope they understand the implications of AIDS. This has certainly taught me a lot about education
Side note-
Of course towards the end of class I had a no holds bar Q&A (that’s how I roll). My two favorite questions were; well if that’s what French kissing, then what is American kissing? Second best question was, how do lesbians have sex?
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