Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Unseen

Please do not read if you are already feeling a little down today.
I’m just going to share this and you can take as you want to because I’m not really sure how to articulate it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I want to bring this into the conversation and that’s all. The other day we were in a bus going Nyananza and stopped to for a bathroom break in a random town. It was no big deal at all but as people were dispersed throughout this little town for a few minutes, a mother let her daughter who clearly had Down’s syndrome out of the house to come and greet the muzungus. It was not problem with us, but the folks from the town gasped in horror as a child with disabilities and beautiful smile pushed toward us just wanting to hold hands. The reactions of the people in the town startled me. Overall it was really a non event as the child was able to hold hands with somebody for a minute and then we had to pile back on the bus and went on our way. The subtlety killed me though. My mind raced for the rest of bus ride about what happens to those with disabilities in developing countries. Let’s be honest, as things have tightened in the US, the facilities for those with disabilities have vanished. I cannot imagine a developing country. I think that little girl will be alright. You could see the love her mother had for her but still, what about the others I have not seen or they have not seen much daylight. How has their fortune turned out? I don’t know if I’m out of the loop but I really haven’t heard much about helping those with disabilities in developing country. A while ago, I met a guy who started this organization called Hisperian to help those with disabilities in developing countries, but haven’t heard from the organization since.
I don’t know if you believe in higher power, but if you do, please pray for those with disabilities especially in developing countries. That’s all I got and I have to put it up to that because I’m not big enough. I will continue to try to do what I can and if you check out the Hisperian website and feel comfortable giving them money, I’m sure they need some.

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