I must admit, I am quite fond of the title of this blog post. In my few minutes of internet time I was reading about President Obama’s decision to continue to increase the use of predator drones in the war in Afghanistan and let’s be real, can we just say Pakistan too. Predator drones are unmanned aircraft mounted with high precision cameras and high precision missiles, making one great killing machine. I was watching a television segment several months ago about the efficiency of the drone and how much they were helping America win the war against terror. PBS even had the opportunity to interview one of the drone pilots, not in Afghanistan but Arizona. A majority of drone pilots are stationed in Arizona. The news program even followed a pilot from his job killing people all day to his 30 minute commute home to his family. The use of the predator drone has been hailed as a great military invention keeping US troops out of harm’s way while being able to completely wipe out the enemy.
I’m sorry, this just sounds too weird to me. How far away from humanity and war can we get? I’m all about least amount of lives lost but what about our enemies? Are we really killing just bad guys from a million miles away? I don’t think so. I have seen that many news reports about accidental drone killings. Apparently it’s been hard to differentiate between a terrorist meeting and a wedding or funeral. Human rights groups have been resoundingly opposed to the use of the use of the predator drones. I can understand them. Can you imagine being at a wedding of close friend and out of nowhere a giant bomb explodes killing half of the wedding party? I can imagine that making some people downright furious. Can you fathom something like that happening to your family? I certainly cannot. Please lets get more personal. For humans sake.
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