Thursday, December 24, 2009
Dear Tiger Woods
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Nopenhagan (thats all i got on the pun front)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
SHOUTOUT: Nick Kristof
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Just This Week
Friday, December 11, 2009
Healthcare 2.0
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My First Rwanda Post
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
SHOUTOUT: Dr. Denis Mukwege
This is going to be a new thing that I start doing. I will share my praise towards a person or group who I believe is doing a really great job of bringing heaven on earth.
Hmm, op-ed the AJC did not want. I'm striking out
If you found out that you were helping fuel the deadliest conflict since World War II, would you want to do something about it? 5.4 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo have died since 1998 due to the consequences of war. Similar to blood diamonds, conflict minerals have been fueling the ongoing fighting in the Congo. Thousands of Congolese are living in fear as various rebel groups committing mass human rights violations terrorizing the civilian population using techniques from forced labor in the mines to gruesome rapes in villages. The rampant use of rape as a weapon of war has devastated the lives and livelihoods of thousands of women, making Congo the worst place in the world for a woman to live.
This is where you and I come in. The rebel groups that are committing these atrocities are funded by our purchase of electronic devices with conflict minerals in them. All electronic devices from cell phones to GPS systems require in some form the minerals tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold. Rebel groups violently vie for land to mine these minerals to fund their operations of terror in quest for more power.
Just last week, The Congo Minerals Trade Act of 2009 was proposed in the House as was The Congo Conflict Minerals Trade Act of 2009 proposed in the Senate. These bills will create greater transparency for tracing the origin of minerals to help assure minerals being imported into the United States will be conflict free. I urge you to take action and call our Senators Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss as well as your Representative and ask them to co-sponsor these bills. Let us all take credit for stopping the deadliest conflict since World War II and commit to taking this first step toward creating peace in Congo. For more information please go to:
Monday, December 7, 2009
Free Speech?
I was watching PBS the other day, on this occasion, I was watching the News Hour. In between programs, they had several "ads" I put ads in quotations because I'm not sure what the deal was because PBS is supposedly paid for by viewers thus giving them freedom to run whatever stories they want to without corporate interests dictating what stories they might run. I noticed a major trend in the companies that were sponsoring PBS. The ads ran in order: Intel > Monsanto > Chevron. Do you know what those three corporations have in common? All three are major I mean major human rights violators. I'm sure these corporations paid a fair amount of money to advertise with PBS, but thats part of the problem. I feel like if you're giving lots of money to a group or organization and have the power to say hey, if you run that negative piece about us, we're going to pull our funding. I cannot say for sure that this is the case but it saddens me that PBS could unfortunately be stuck to corporate censorship.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Gay Marriage!? yep, going there
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Great documentary. Saw it last night, a well made piece of investigative journalism. The story details the enormous trial between oil giant Chevron and 30,000 indigenous people from the Amazon in Ecuador. Supposedly Chevron is responsible for dumping millions of gallons of toxic sludge into the rivers surrounding their various plants and as a result the native people around the area have been plagued with various illnesses from cancer to leukemia. An independent study determined that Cheveron could owe up to $27 billion reparations. That's not chump change. Both sides are going back and forth in this trail that started in 1993 and has continued on to this day.
One of the amazing stories coming out of the documentary is about Pablo Fajardo. When he was a young child, he worked for Chevron and witnessed the destruction they were causing and decided to do something about it. He saw the importance of law and studied hard to go to law school and is now representing the Ecuatorian population against Chevron. Synonymous with Latin American politics, Fajardo paid a price. His brother was brutally tortured and murdered. Apparently the hired hit men mistook Pablo's brother for him. The injustice in the world is just staggering.
The trial was moved to Ecuador in 2003 and is still being fiercely fought on both sides. One of Cheverons tactics is to bleed Pablo and his legal help from Amazon Watch of all of their resources and give up. I hope the native people get the justice they are asking for and that this story will be one of justice restored instead of corruption triumphing.
Here is the trailer:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
3 Clear Steps to Justice
Unfortunately, with money comes power and those with money want to stay in power so they leverage both to keep the current system in place.
Shane Claiborne chimes in on the fish adage as well. "We've all heard the saying, “Give someone a fish and they’ll eat for a day, but teach them to fish and they’ll eat for the rest of their life. The problem is that nobody is asking who owns the pond or who polluted it?” I believe this statement couldn't be truer.
I believe the church is really good at the first two parts of doing justice, but are really missing the boat on the last. The church spends a ton of time giving out fish and teaching people how to fish, but it can only be so helpful when the pond is polluted or once the church leaves, the fence comes back up. To the churches dismay, when they come back and see folks hungry again and might become discourage by the overwhelming need. Why? could the pollution or the fence have anything to do with it?
I am asking you, probe deeper, ask more questions? Could systemic poverty come into play here? What can I do to rid the many cycles of poverty. How can people be given a realistic chance to achieve. I don't have answers all the answers and neither do you. Theres no magic bullet but if we keep pushing and start working together, maybe we can get some of these things figured out and bring a little heaven on earth.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Why? Someone is Paying Attention
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Prayer for Obama, Psalm 109:8 Are you f'ing kidding me!
Have you seen this? Some radical Christian groups has decided to make these bumper stickers that say "Prayer for Obama Psalm 109:8". Of course I could not rattle off Psalm 109:8, so I looked it up. "May his days be few; may another take his office." verse 9, "May his children be orphans, and his wife a widow" Taken literally, this is terrible way to use the bible to describe ones hate. I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs in anger. It actually swing my mood for the evening.
First things first, lets clear up this bible verse for what it actually means. You have to look at in the context of Deuteronomy 28 and God's covenant. In this Psalm, David is pouring out his heart to God that God stay to true to who God is. David is crying out from oppression believing he has done right. I feel like this text is an example that God is bigger than Caesar or any ruler for that matter. I think many people will be let down if they put their faith in leaders. The Bible can be a really scary when tweaked for ones own motives. This script-texting is deplorable and and anti-kingdom. We have to be bigger than the left and the right and this action is not showing it. All I can do is hope and pray that grace and love enters the peoples hearts that are harboring hate and using the bible to justify it.