Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Underestimating a Healthy Lifestyle

I’ve been biting my tongue to fully engage and analyze the place that I’m in. With every major move, it takes time to grab hold and write or process with some modicum of certainty. So those posts will have to wait. Instead I am revisiting an old friend, food.

It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been back on my “own” and not in a heavy carb/lard diet (Rwanda). I’ve finally been able to settle into a realm of semi-healthy/sustainable eating habits. If you’re wondering about what semi-healthy/sustainable eating is… “Eat food (not food-like products). Eat less. Mostly Plants.” Michael Pollan. It’s been even more enjoyable this time around. Being in a small South Georgia town, you get your pick on local fresh produce. The local farmers market combined with the Mennonite farms and to top it all off with the amazing Koinonia Farm a few miles down the road makes healthy eating easy and quite enjoyable.

This time it has hit me with stronger convictions than before. For the first time in while, I haven’t had the food hangover, that has affected much of my life and I bet a lot of yours. Eating healthy has given my body that extra step in not wasting time working to digest mass amounts of processed foods or piles of complex proteins for meat. Our bodies are made to eat mostly plants and if we actually listen then our bodies will respond positively.

It took a few weeks for me to realize why I had this extra bounce in my step and less of a drag on my day but now that I have put the two together, I’m going to try even harder to protect my health and the environment to go along with it.

This has just done more to cement my view that we really can reach a good point of true harmony with God and nature by treating ourselves and the surrounding environment with respect.