In light of all this Rob Bell talk, I feel like weighing in and trying to push the conversation a little bit further. This “controversy” caught me a little bit off guard to be honest. I keep thinking we are moving from emphasis on orthodoxy to orthopraxy (right doing over right thinking). But this whole ordeal shows we’re not quite ready for it. I’ve been familiar with Rob Bell’s work for quite some time and the points he brings up in this book are not new for him as he has been sharing this message for many years now. I guess since he decided to write a book about it, it has been brought to others attention.
I want to address two things with this whole situation. One, with this “new” concept of heaven/ hell and the Kingdom of God, what does this mean were supposed to do? And two, how does this make the church look as a whole?
I have seen many folks consider Rob Bell to be a heretic, universalist and that he is watering down the gospel and the cross. He is accused of trying to repackage the gospel to be appealing to more people by making it about love. That the grace of God is to be for everyone just the way we are. How scandalous.
With this though, does not mean the gospel isn’t challenging or cheap. We are called to bring heaven on earth. To work in communion with God to push the real hells people face every day here and now. It’s about now, not waiting till a triumphant end but working here and now. Things like loving your neighbor, loving your enemy, promoting peace, justice, mercy, humility, and love. I don’t know about you but these are hard to do. It takes a lot to give yourself to these. I’m struggling: to reducing my footprint to help those affected by the environment, trying to not support companies that don’t violate their employee’s rights, passing a homeless person on the street and not knowing what to do knowing that I am a kingdom person. We live in a broken world of different shades grey muddle decisions to promote the kingdom.
I was lucky enough to spend some time with Brian Mclaren last weekend when he was speaking in Atlanta and I asked him what he thought about the new/ old Rob Bell “controversy”. Brian went on a little story about being in a room with several youth from his old church. On a semi spur of the moment decision he took 2 strips of large paper. He first asked the kids what they thought were big issues facing the world. The kids spoke of war, starvation, disease the environment, over-consumption and several others. Then he asked about the biggest issues facing the church. The kids talked about homosexuality, abortion, doctrine, ordination of women, divorce and others.
The church has a choice right now. Continue to stay irrelevant staying distracted by its own problems or it can look outwards, following the call of Christ to be here and now, serving the world to bring heaven on earth.
I fear the churches future if it continues to squabble over issues irrelevant to folks outside the church while ignoring or denying the major issues facing God’s children.